Feb 7, 2022

This is going to be harsh feedback, but is still valid!

Your first point doesn’t add value to your answer. It’s nice, and correct, but useless here.

Yes to delegation! Brilliant, you’ve addressed what Scrum says about it.

Point three is a repetition of point 2, so don’t waste your time rephrasing.

I think you’re missing the transparency lost by an absent PO, lack of respect, developers shouldering too much (twin hatting) and the impacts this would have on quality Sprint Goals. The developers focus on the increment, less so on market feedback and knowledge about it — without that from the PO, aren’t they just ‘guessing’ at their Sprint Goals? It limits empiricism.

Great first attempt though!


Written by Ryan

Ryan is a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) for Scrum.org. He is an active consultant for a large corporate organisation. He also holds Qualified Teacher Status.

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